The interdisciplinary digital humanities event DHCH@ISR brings together international experts, doctoral students, advanced researchers, and cultural heritage institutions.
DHCH@ISR provides a unique opportunity for scholars and researchers to discuss multifaceted perspectives of the Digital Humanities, to broaden their horizons of digital practices and humanities methodologies. Supporting their thinking about Digital Humanities approaches to the different disciplines but also the arts and heritage and bring them in exchange with internationally involved institutions.

Data Science and Digitization of Cultural Heritage DHCH2023
This event focuses on data science in the arts and the humanities.
Flagship projects about text recognition, accessibility and digital sustainability of cultural heritage will be presented, and state-of-the-art methods in regard to 3D digitization will be introduced. The inalienable benefits of this research are explored, and the potential of these interventions is examined. And what about common criticism? In addition to the excursion to ICCROM the annual event of the Photoconsortium - International Consortium for Photographic Heritage www.photoconsortium.net took place.

Digital Humanities Methodologies DHCH2022
Algorithmic methods are increasingly infiltrating the humanities through the use of computer-based research. This leads to fundamental changes with regard to methods employed, and consequently methodological approaches in the humanities. Leading to questions of how the different disciplines get shaped through these methods. How do we frame our methodological approaches?
That's why the focus of this event is on methodologies. By bringing together professionals working with very different methodologies we explore this topic on behalf of digital humanities.

Digital Images, Metadata and Cultural Heritage Objects DHCH 2021
Metadata and semantic information are crucial for most operations with data. Enriching images with words and words with images is more important than ever.
That's why the focus of the starting event is on image-based research. This can be demonstrated particularly well by the research on cultural heritage, as important sources of great importance for our social and cultural identity. The change towards digital methods and tools is essential in this context in several ways since the form of capturing technology as well as the visualization of content changed greatly with the advent of the digital.
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The interdisciplinary Digital Humanities Research Workshop DHCH@ISR brings together international experts, doctoral students, advanced researchers, and cultural heritage institutions.
At the Istituto Svizzero in Rome Digital Humanities researchers who are spread all over Switzerland can get together at the beautiful, inspiring, and unique venue.