We are delighted to have our interdisciplinary digital humanities research workshop hosted by the Instituto Svizzero in Rome (ISR) to address a wide variety of disciplines, like art history, archaeology, media and cultural studies, etc.

Initative Events Presentations Location

DHCH 2024

DHCH 2024 05.-07.06.2024 ISR Roma

Digital Transformation - How to design the digital future in culture

The 2024 event will focus on Digital Transformation and how to design the digital future in culture, 5th - 7th of June 2024, Istituto Svizzero, Rome

For more information, please reach out to c.weber@unibas.ch


Lightning-Talks: PhD Presentations DHCH2023

Landau Victoria
Fan Tao
Galli Nicolas

Manz Marian Clemens
Kostina Kapitolina
Makaratzi Ismini
Gitto Fabrizio

Segev David
Weber Christian
Marinai Chiara

Gauvain Béatrice
Aioanei Andrei
Demleitner Adrian

Peter Fornaro: Data Science in Arts and Humanities: What is useful data?

Recent years have seen a transition from closed digital repositories to open data repositories. Interoperability has also become more important over time. Linked Open Data demonstrates the importance of standardized metadata and IIIF demonstrates the qualities of standardized image datasets. But what are the typical applications of these datasets? The talk provides an overview of this topic and shows the importance of the humanities in the digital domain, not only for research.

Roundtable: International Institutions in the Digital Age

To explore these questions, we are pleased to announce a panel discussion that will feature renowned scholars such as Prof. Regine Hunziker-Rodewald (University of Strasbourg), and Andrei Aioanei (University of Strasbourg), as well as representatives from key institutions and schools, including the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Dr. Alexander Adamou), the British School at Rome (Prof. Raphaële Mouren), German Historical Institute in Rome (Dr. Jörg Hoernschemeyer) and the Swiss Institute (Dr. Maria Böhmer).

Simon Gabay: From analogue to digital data: tools and methods

DHCH Youtube

produced and curated by www.virtualculture.ch


The digital workflow and the IIIF initiatives at the Vatican Library

Visualizing Digital Collections of Art – Interdependencies of Images and Metadata

Blog Preview

The constant (over)flow of data and trying to make it useful

It should come as no surprise to anyone that we are currently living in the age of data. Data that is constantly generated through everyday items such as our phones, computers and even some newer home appliances. This data is not stationary, but constantly flowing through the ether in between interconnected devices and endpoints. But data is not only responsible for mak...

Let's talk about standards – A write-up of a discussion on metadata standardization in the Digital Humanities

Standardized schemas that can be used to describe, deliver, and annotate all different kinds of digital and physical objects to make data usage possible across projects and institutions has been and is part of a vast number of research projects. Examples include the development of the Dublin Core metadata schema in the mid-90s, ...


Kick-off Committee:

Universität Basel
PhD Program in Digital Humanities

Universität Bern
Walter Benjamin Kolleg

Università Svizzera Italiana

Université de Genève

Universität Zürich
Digital Visual Studies

With the kind assistance of:

Istituto Svizzero di Roma (ISR)

Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW)

Bibliotheca Hertziana –
Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte